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Video - D.I.Y. - Behind the scenes - Story - Curiosity

Abandoned sunrise.jpg

A matter of perspective

On this page you can see the photos I took in the studio, but with a scale setting, built by me with different recycled and non-recycled materials!I always start from a global idea of ​​what I want to achieve as a final shot, then I draw a draft on paper, so as to have a clearer idea of ​​the setting and the main subject.

Waiting for dawn.jpg

BTS - Waiting for dawn

My set today starring the 1963 Volkswagen T1 Bus required an outdoor setting!
I took a cardboard as a base, scattered some dirt to simulate the ground, took some scraps of concrete from some old...

Mini Cooper customized.jpg

BTS - Before & After

As you can guess by looking at my photographic works I am not at all against photo editing, in fact for me it is a very important part of the whole photographic process...

D.I.Y. Small support for reflex and acce

Video D.I.Y. Small support for reflex and accessories

From time to time I photograph my model cars or other small vehicles, especially if the day is a bit cloudy, this atmosphere gives me a softer light and less harsh shadows, I reflexed and modeled and started for this new search around the city...

...Photography is born of ideas, lives of light, plays with shadows and feeds on experience...

©2025 Davide Solurghi All Rights Reserved

©Davide Solurghi All Rights Reserved
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